Hope Always
I named this blog Hope Always, when I noticed the word HEAL within it...HopE ALways. There is healing in hoping! Not in what the world hopes in, but in Christ, His Word - the truth.

So perhaps you have arrived her by accident, perhaps you arrived here by divine intervention. Either way, if you are feeling hope-less...you have come to the right place!

I simply will share with you, the Word of GOD- the Bible (basic instructions before leaving earth) as well as wonderful wisdom from other resources and teachers who have been an amazing blessing in my life. 

I will be acting upon Habakkuk 2 "Then the LORD replied: write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets..." As well as sharing with you personal and real experiences I have been blessed with during my daily reading and studying the Word.

It is my hope and prayer this blog will touch your heart, and be a blessing to you!

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